The devil is in the detail
The devil is in the details. It's common for users to get lost in the UX experience when there are no guides to help them navigate through the site. This in most cases this is where those mini images come into play. Web Developers can use icons to boost up their User Experience, which makes both the client and users happy. Let's try installing our first icons and see how it brings out our user experience. Install this package when starting out.
Great now that your package is installed its time to import some icons and get it rendering to the web application. Your imports are similar to the way you would import a react component for example.
Once you have your import set up now it’s time to render your icon into the screen. The same way you would render a component class is very much similar to adding an icon. This is flexible because you can add attributes around your icon such as span tags. Furthermore, this would allow you to manipulate CSS or even add a link to it. Icons serve a larger purpose for web developers. Remember with great icons come with great responsibilities.